Request information on the Business program.
The global business world is ever-evolving, 实博体育投注的商学理学士是专门为你的职业生涯做准备的. Whether you want to pursue a career in management, marketing, or finance, or go the entrepreneur route and start your own business, 您将由一流的教师与数十年积累的专业经验和密切联系,不断增长的利哈伊谷商界的指导. 更好的是,你将获得一个名牌学位,在世界各地拥有几乎无限的潜力.
PSU-LV的商业课程让学生能够接触到利哈伊山谷独特的商业环境, 这使得它有别于大学和其他学院提供的其他商业学位. 你可以选择一个特定的业务领域,专注于你的研究,同时参与扎实扎根于理论和实践的协作学习经验. 多方位的课程包括微观经济分析和政策, Business Information Systems, Negotiation Skills for Business Professionals, Leadership and Motivation, and International Business Operations.
Outside the classroom, you can join the campus Business Society, which promotes professional development, 或者通过校园的Lehigh Valley LaunchBox商业加速器培养你的创业兴趣. 你会接触到一个可以作为导师的大校友网络, 还有很多当地公司的实习机会. 如果你更注重全球视野,你可以选择出国留学.
Accounting Option
这个选项为你的会计职业生涯做好准备,重点是财务和管理会计, auditing, and taxation. You’ll be prepared to pursue a career as a CPA, corporate controller, treasurer, budget director, or consultant. By the time you graduate, 你将满足参加注册会计师(CPA)考试的要求, 并能获得其他专业认证, 如注册管理会计师(CMA)和注册内部审计师(CIA). 可选课程包括财务会计、审计和税务.
Business Analytics Option
Financial Services Option
这个选项为你在广泛的金融服务机构的职业生涯做好准备, among them banks, credit companies, wealth management firms, real estate companies and insurance brokerages. 它也非常适合作为一名金融分析师进入广泛的行业. Courses include Investment and Portfolio Analysis, Principles of Taxation, Risk Management, and Accounting.
Health Services Option
有了这个选择,你可以攻读健康科学的学位. Healthcare is one of the largest industries in the U.S. 美国劳工统计局表示,随着该行业的整体增长, 对管理人员和行政人员的需求必然会增加. 课程包括医疗机构的财务决策, Health Systems Management, Principles of Managed Care, and Population Health.
Individualized Option
这个多功能的选择允许你追求一个经批准的以商业为中心的跨学科学习计划. Here, you can pair business with information technology, psychology, entrepreneurship, international business and management, and other coursework, 让你专注于自己独特的兴趣和/或职业规划.
Management and Marketing Option
这个选项为你在社区和区域商业中心的职业生涯做准备. 它的双重重点允许您选择这两个学科的课程,作为领导小型企业或大型组织内部门的基础. You can take courses in human resource management, leadership, international management, retailing, global marketing, market research, communications, and ethics.
- Marketing Managers
- Business Analysts
- Sales Managers
- Government Service Executives
- Account Executives
- Business Development Managers
“商业课程让我有机会接触到一群对学术充满热情,但也了解企业界的教师,他们要么在职业生涯早期在大公司取得成功,要么拥有自己成功的公司. 我在实博体育投注接受的教育使我童年时的梦想成为可能. I couldn’t be prouder to call myself a Nittany Lion.——Ray Hernandez, 14岁,inchange, B.V.是一家位于荷兰乌得勒支的价值链领导组织.
Suggested Academic Plans
建议学术计划(SAP)提供学生在攻读特定学位时可能遵循的课程顺序. SAPs are proposed schedules only. 如果与学术顾问协商后,学生制定了不同的计划,那么每个学生的时间表可能会有所不同. Care should be taken when changing the order of courses, 因为SAP考虑了先决条件和课程控制. 关于某一特定专业毕业所需课程的期末作业, 所有学生应查阅大学公报和学位审核.
Program Contact
Dr. Maung Min
Director of Business Programs
[email protected]
Enterprise Resource Planning Certificate with SAP
Mark Capofari
[email protected]