Life Education Occupational Studies

The LEOS program is now accepting applications!

To apply:

1) Please download and complete all three forms:

2) Submit the completed forms to: [email protected]

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Take the first step on your journey as a Nittany Lion!

The LEOS Program

实博体育投注校区提供的生命教育职业研究(LEOS)项目为有智力残疾和发育迟缓的学生提供支持,同时他们也获得了有意义的大学经历. The LEOS program combines individualized coaching sessions, group seminars, 并旁听学术课程,以促进学生的自我宣传和独立性. 作为大学公园工作链和实博体育投注哈里斯堡职业研究项目的姐妹项目, LEOS为学生提供教育和培训,以获得有意义的就业和独立生活技能, while accessing classes and clubs on the Penn State Lehigh Valley campus.

Mission Statement

生命教育职业研究(LEOS)计划的使命是提供丰富和包容的中学后教育和职业探索经验,导致独立和有竞争力的就业. 我们的项目致力于为有残疾的年轻人提供全面而彻底的中学后体验. The goal of our program is for students to have a collegiate experience, gain connection to community, and develop skills for employment. 我们计划通过学生在实博体育投注校区旁听的精选课程来做到这一点. 学生也将有机会获得职业和独立生活技能, with guidance from staff and a Penn State peer mentor. 我们致力于建立一个强大的团队,因为大家在一起成就更多.

Program Overview

该项目遵循实博体育投注每学期15周课程的官方学术日历. 学生将旁听一到两门课程,并参加每周6小时的校园研讨班.

学生将旁听一门或多门实博体育投注的学术课程,并可选择从同行导师那里获得课堂支持. Peer mentors are also available to provide support for academic activities, including studying and completion of projects.

Students will participate in curriculum focusing on life skills, social skills, vocational skills, and community outreach

Students participate in seminars that are offered on campus to all students.



这个包容性的高等教育项目通过增强多样性和为学生创造机会,使实博体育投注社区受益, faculty, and staff to interact with individuals with intellectual disabilities.



Meet the faculty

Nicole Moschberger: Director of the LEOS program

妮可是一名教育项目专家,有20年的课堂教学经验. She graduated from Lycoming College with a Bachelor of Arts in English, 参加了实博体育投注的国家写作项目奖学金, 并在南新罕布什尔大学获得了创意写作硕士学位. Nicole is the director of the Lehigh Valley Writing Project, 为利哈伊山谷的教师提供专业培训,以更好地促进课堂上的阅读和写作教学. 她还以学院的身份为实博体育投注社区做出了贡献, Career, 和社区作家项目指导和监督大学继续教育部门的多个方面.

Jessica Cole: Program Coordinator

Jessica is a graduate of the University of Scranton with a B.S. in Elementary Education, and a graduate of DeSales University with a M.Ed. in Special Education. Jess也是实博体育投注的毕业生,并获得了应用行为分析的研究生证书. She has taught fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. 她开发并实施了一个针对学龄前自闭症儿童的社交技能小组. 她有担任普通教育教师和特殊教育教师的经验. 两年来,杰西一直是伊斯顿地区学区K-12年级的行为分析师. During this time, she found that her true place is in the classroom. Currently, 杰西在伊斯顿地区中学的一个行为支持教室教6 -8年级的特殊教育. 杰西是实博体育投注和当地学区之间的联络人, as well as outside agencies such as the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR).

Jamie Merida: Program Instructor

Jamie毕业于利哈伊大学,获得特殊教育和基础教育硕士学位,并获得4-8年级英语和历史教学资格. 她曾在殖民地中级单位20的自闭症支持计划工作, 同时也是威尔逊地区学区的英语和社会研究教师. 杰米也很幸运地在联合教学环境中获得了经验,并在威尔逊地区学区的学习支持计划和伯利恒地区学区的生活技能计划中获得了长期的代课经验.

Get Involved

LEOS provides peer mentor support for students who are enrolled in the program. 同伴导师负责在学生开始学习课程时为他们提供学术和社会支持, employment opportunities, and campus activities. They help students connect with peers and Penn State faculty/staff, 并通过提供鼓励和促进积极的校园体验产生重大影响.

Are you interested in becoming a peer mentor?
Contact Nicole Moschberger at [email protected].